Photo credit: Jessy Jean-Bart –
To create in the likeness of “God” is what we were meant to do but were sabotaged the moment we were out of our mother’s womb. Society had a different agenda for us, and they made sure all resources were spent on molding the various, strict and narrow-minded academic mazes to coax our generation into following the collective and not waste time in frivolous abstract activities like all things emanating from the arts.
When erasing “creativity”, do you erase
Who, what, where is God anyway? For some he may be a religion, for others, he evidently is fabricated or just a concept but for me, he was always there, somewhere, casting a shadow with his light that stretched out from my limbs, continuously illuminating my path. I spent a lifetime wondering about things like, “Who am I?”, “Where do we come from?”, “Where do we go when we die?” But like most of us, I became busy with life and thought I could do it all on my own creating this separation between us, between God and I.
I was never a religious person, and I hated feeling like there was a judgmental God somewhere, ready to cast souls to hell because this God was built up by stories written eons ago. A God who may well have been vindictive with his demands and sacrifices, but that God is the fabrication of humans who have lost their ways, that are thirsty for power, and have the unquenchable desire to lead the misguided weaklings in exchange for excessive adoring and blind devotion.
We are indeed missing something, chasing after who, where and what are the reasons why we will never find it. Many are in search of a soul-mate of a new career, a new project, a new thrill or even a new religion, but what we are really looking for has been there all along and looking within might be the key. If we lack creativity, it may as well be because we lack his guidance.
The “Innermost” resides everywhere within and in all places out there.
It was never “For many are called, but few are chosen” it was always
“All are called, but few choose to listen” – A Course In Miracles
A special Thank you to Alexandra “Spicey” Landé for urging me to read The Shack, a novel that is surprising, filled with Godliness and inspired me to write this blog post.
This story may be, exactly what some of us need The Shack Book by William P. Young
I also would like to thank everyone who has dared to delve deep into “the creative.” You have inspired me to transcend the experimental into the experiential!