In The Mix
It took me years to feel at ease with “my” locking. The process could be compared to feeling like a ping pong ball. Every experience was a new learning curve.
“Seek Tash” never was meant for getting an audience to seek me, it was always a play on words.
The truth is; I am a seeker. I seek for knowledge, I seek the source of all things and that always brings me full circle; the truth.
When the knowledge connects to the source, it finds “me” and then it may or may not transcend into wisdom. If and when I choose to share this truth (my truth), it loses its connection to the source (me) and becomes an opinion; it does not make it your truth… That is your work; seeking your truth and finding your voice.
It took me years to feel at ease with “my” locking. The process could be compared to feeling like a ping pong ball. Every experience was a new learning curve.
This morning I had the urge to spew some self-righteous bull about my views on the state of our dance. But then I remembered that this would be in fact judgmental.
Did you know that the etymology of the word “passion” comes from the Latin origin “pati”, which means “suffer”?
My seeking for knowledge from the greats has made me a lover of poetry and philosophy.
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